About Me

I was born and raised in Portage la Prairie and graduated from Arthur Meighen High School. I joined the RCMP and after graduating I served in various cities in BC for 10 years before moving back to Portage. Shortly after I then owned and operated Porter Auto Sales at the corner of 6th Street NW and Saskatchewan Ave for 20 years. The past 4 years I have done seasonal work at Agrium Bloom Distribution Centre. My wife, Terrie and I have 2 children, son Mathew and daughter Cole who are both attending University. Mathew is graduating from the University of Manitoba in 2011 with a Degree in Geology. Cole graduates in 2012 from Asian Languages at the University of Calgary. Terrie is the Deputy Sheriff for the Central Judiciary Region and works out of Portage.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What brought me to City Hall

Theft and vandalism plagued the City in the mid 90’s and as a result I spearheaded the implementation of the Curfew Bylaw.  In 1998 I successfully ran for City Council and served 8 years.

During that time I sat on the following committees:

Public Safety
Community Services
Economic Development
Community Policing
Yellowhead Highway 
Portage Regional Landfill

Our City Council's achievements over those eight years were the following:

City and RM Tax Sharing Agreement

Splash Island to replace the Lions Pool [on budget]

Several Years of Zero Tax Increases

New Bingo Hall

Crescent Lake Walking Path

Crescent Lake Bank Stabilization
New Rescue Truck at the Portage Fire Department
Kelly K Subdivision

I truly enjoyed council and all of its challenges and achievements.

I am asking for your support for Mayor on Wednesday, October 27th, 2010.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Way to go Porter! Go get them!! BM

  3. Dirty politics always leaves a little bit of bad taste in my mouth, and it is unproductive.
    It obvious, that we haven’t always been smart when it came to voting for the right person to be at the helm of or city.

    There is a diverse group of people in my circle, and we all agree that Earl Porter has always kept his campaigns for Council and Mayor clean, and respectful. (Can’t always say that about the other guys)

    Seems to me Earl’s “Roll up his sleeves and honest hard work attitude” is what at is needed to make Portage’s municipal government both productive and accountable. And That makes for “Good Business".

  4. So true Hilton, Porter has it kept it clean.
    He gets my vote just because he's the only one who is actually listening to what we want.(keep that rink open!)

